The LIGHT system uses innovative linear accelerators and hence does not require a cyclotron nor a synchrotron to accelerate the protons to the high energy levels needed.
This means that neither the massive infrastructure, nor the extensive shielding associated with old and current forms of proton accelerators are required.
The LIGHT accelerator is integrated with a fully functional treatment room system that provides its functionality through a set of customizable services for the management and the implementation of a patient proton therapy treatment course. The integration of the various sub-systems is such that the clinical user will be working with one user interface related to the nozzle system, the patient positioning system, and the imaging system. Each of the software components is based on commercial, off-the-shelf components that are updated to support state-of-the-art and industry-standard communication protocols.
The proton source generates a very high rate of up to 200 pulses of proton per second from a source of hydrogen gas
Developed by CERN, the uniquely compact RFQ reaches 5 MeV over 2m by using the radio frequency used by X-ray linacs all over the world
Designed by TERA, the CCLs were successfully tested downstream of a cyclotron to 74 MeV (the "LIBO" experiment)